Dare to be a Daniel

Dare to be a Daniel


What is it like to stand alone... against opposition, prejudice and misunderstanding?

Darrell was an early witness to the baptism in the Holy Spirit—particularly in the Methodist church in New Zealand. He knew what it was like to stand against prejudice, tradition and church hierarchy.

Dare to be a Daniel is his account of an ever-deepening walk with God, and what it means to be ‘filled with the Spirit.’ This book will appeal to those of every denomination.through the passage of deliverance healing, and hope for those who are searching for an intimate relationship with God.

Being a Pentecostal Methodist has never been easy and there have been times of struggle, misunderstanding and discrimination — and even rejection. But right from the start I determined to ‘be a true witness for my Lord.’ May God bless and encourage you as you read.” – Darrell Curtis

Reader reviews:

“The author’s amazing journey, particularly his involvement in so many ‘streams’ of the Church, has given him a unique perspective from which to speak up and speak out. We are all part of ONE Body. We all need each other. We all need to humble ourselves and repent of any strongholds of pride, independence, and unbelief. Especially we all need more of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to be living letters of God’s love and power to those around us. We all need the faith and courage that the Spirit brings to follow through on the promises of the Bible, with a preparedness to come into line with its clear teaching and instructions.” – Frank Rigg, Pastor and author

Format: Paperback | 112 pages with 8 pages of colour photos
Dimensions: 229(w) x 152(h) x 7.5mm(s) | 140g
ISBN13: 978-0-473-68797-7

Publisher: Darrell Royce Curtis
Publication Date: 2023
Publication country: New Zealand

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