Brian France




As a Platoon Commander during ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, Brian was badly injured when 15lbs of high explosive detonated a metre behind him. Miraculously healed by prayer, he now prays for others for healing and deliverance and conducts missions trips to Fiji.

After immigrating to New Zealand, Brian published the book, Against the Gates of Hell, which has since been republished, Clash of the Kingdoms, in February 2020.

Brian is the Director of Charisma Christian Ministries, Auckland, New Zealand.

Enjoy a short reading of Clash of the Kingdoms here


Clash of the Kingdoms



“Once I started this amazing book, I could not put it down. Full of guts, gore and glory it tells the history of the world, and that which is to come, from a unique perspective—that of angels and demons.” –Jackie Pullinger, author Chasing the Dragon

“The self-deception of Satan and his minions is portrayed in a way that can only be described as brilliant in its conception. The description of the spiritual battles is inspired. This book represents, from a most unusual perspective, the greatest story ever told. Although a work of fiction, it vividly portrays the spiritual battle that confronts all of us. Throughout its fabric is woven the story of the redemption of mankind.” –Bill Subritzky, author Demons Defeated

“This is one of my favourite books of all time. I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan, and Clash of the Kingdoms is the supernatural equivalent. Brian has brilliantly woven true events of history, as told in the Bible, about the fall of Satan and the redemption of mankind, into a thrilling page-turner with the power to challenge a generation. Brian’s way with words, spiritual insight and tactical warfare skills honed as a British Platoon Commander during ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, make for a breath-taking and totally engrossing read. A rare and powerful book indeed.” –Janet Balcombe, author The Wild Side and Radical Lives 1 & 2

Enjoy a short reading from Chapter One here

For Brian’s blogs and info visit

Format: Paperback | 250 b&w pages
Dimensions: 148 x 210 x 18mm | 360g
ISBN13: 978-0-473-50563-9
Publisher: Brian France with Wild Side Publishing
Publication Date: January 2020
Publication country: New Zealand

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“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts.

– Zachariah 4:6 (NKJV)


The Fall of Lucifer

The Word of Knowledge and Discerning of Spirits

Blog Posts

Clash of the Kingdoms
Brian France, about 4 years ago

Clash of the Kingdoms

Back in 1973, I was serving as a Platoon Commander in Northern Ireland as part of the British Security Forces when I experienced a very real “Clash of the Kingdoms.” Our enemy was the IRA (Irish Republican Army) who were fighting for the reunification of the six counties of Northern Ireland with Eire - Southern Ireland.