Wayne Johns




Wayne Johns was born in Dunedin in the South Island of New Zealand as an only child in a non-Christian home. His goal was to become a political cartoonist, but that all changed when Jesus found him.

After attending the Bible College of New Zealand, he worked pastoring, Bible college lecturing, and in itinerant preaching ministry in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Uganda. Wayne is pastoring Onerahi Christian Community Church and heads up the Whangarei Ministers Association.

Wayne was a cartoonist for a newspaper and invented a Christian comic strip (slightlyheated.com). Over the years he has written Bible teaching material, a training manual for leading small groups (The NZ Cell Group Manual), and more recently the book, Revelations of the Kingdom for Suspicious Minds. His artwork is usually incorporated into his writing. Wayne is happily married with five children.

The purpose of his blog can be summed up in a quote from a film about cheerleaders. When explaining the purpose of what she did, the captain of the cheerleaders said, “Our job is to inspire, support and electrify.”


Revelations of the Kingdom for Suspicious Minds

Sale Price:NZ$19.99 Original Price:NZ$22.99


There are a multitude of conflicting voices today about the nature of the kingdom of God, and many people feel justified in backing off from the debate. But if we do this, are we in danger of missing out on something that will ignite a new passion for God in us?

With astute precision, author Wayne Johns brings us back to the authority of the Bible to find common sense and clarity. Both affirming and suspicious viewpoints about kingdom teaching are clearly discussed, and a balanced understanding emerges that charts the way forward between opposing sides.

It all starts by learning to listen with both ears open to those we disagree with. This book gives us the opportunity to do exactly that, wherever we stand.

This is an exciting and perceptive read for Christian leaders and all believers who want to know God better and grow in healthy relationships, discernment and the realities of God’s kingdom.

Wayne’s website and blog: waynejohns.co.nz

Format: Paperback | 162 pages
Dimensions: 152 x 229 x 11mm | 230g
ISBN13: 978-0-473-42396-4
Publisher: Wayne and Tam Johns
Publication Date: June 2018
Publication country: New Zealand

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Just when they think they know all the answers, I change the questions.

– Rowdy Roddy Piper (Professional Wrestling Superstar)

Blog Posts

Wayne Johns, about 4 years ago


As the world struggles against Covid-19, the situation is changing. In the beginning, many nations were convinced that locking down their population, to various degrees, was the right strategy. All over the planet, we now see a change in rhetoric at the highest levels as we inch forward towards a “new normal.”

The Secret of Love: What We Learn from the Rickshaw
Wayne Johns, about 4 years ago

The Secret of Love: What We Learn from the Rickshaw

During our lifetime, most of us experience being in debt of some kind, such as paying off a fridge, a car or a house. It can feel awkward and even a little bit scary to be in debt, especially if big money is involved. Realistically, there is much in life that the majority of us cannot gain without placing ourselves in that position…

Why Christianity can't be merged with other religions
Wayne Johns, about 4 years ago

Why Christianity can't be merged with other religions

If you want some excitement, tune into American politics as the claws are out and the fur is flying at the moment. One of the dramas involves Bernie Sanders, a “democratic socialist” who is among the frontrunners for the Democratic nomination to run for president.

The promise of a heart that gives life
Wayne Johns, about 4 years ago

The promise of a heart that gives life

A unique and unusual event was held in Whangarei, New Zealand in May, 2019. It was called “Precious Memories” and involved singing some of the great hymns in remembrance of our shared heritage. Christians gathered from various churches to be part of an enjoyable time that stirred the heart.

It may surprise you that such an event was neither boring nor irrelevant. One reason is that it brought into focus a very powerful influence common to us all: our memory.