Standing on my own two feet

I had toyed with the idea of standing on my own feet for years - and doing what I’d always wished to: nursing! However, there was more to it when the time came, and this soon sank in.

At 16, going on 17, I thought the world was my oyster, that I was invincible, even though I’d only been in New Zealand a couple of months and my English still needed attention.

When I walked into the nurses’ home for the first time and was introduced to a roomful of nurses, I felt a check in my spirit. 

‘Had they really understood what I said?’ I thought, when the conversation quickly drifted to another subject more than once.

The girls were nice enough, trying hard to make me feel at home, some more than others, but it didn’t take long before I felt isolated by being misunderstood and unable to express myself properly.

Not only with the nurses, but also the children I nursed on the Children’s Ward, where I was aiding temporarily.

Up until then, I’d thought my English had been pretty good, but it was like being on trial, far from perfect, especially understanding Kiwi-English!

Work on the ward became a nightmare when the phone rang suddenly, and I was the only nurse there! It scared me to death to think I misunderstood the person at the other end, especially if it was an emergency! This possibility could eventuate during the half hour the senior nurse was away for her breakfast and lunch… Thankfully, she realized my fear and arranged for another person to replace her during those times.

How this senior nurse coped with me was mind-boggling! I didn’t know many of the routine ‘hospital’ terms like ‘sluice room’ and ‘bedpan’ and had to be shown before getting down to doing my tasks!

I made it in the end, with help from the Matron, Miss Shaw, and many kind nurses, who went out of their way to make me feel at home!

Ingrid Coles 1960

Ingrid Coles 1960

It is feeling at ‘home’ that is so important in life. We all need this, no matter where we come from. It is also something we can all look forward to when life comes to an end, which it will one day, for God promises us a new home with Him.

Jesus says: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am going.”

Another verse (Proverbs 3:5-6) that has been a real strength to me during hard times is:
‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.’

May this verse strengthen you too. For all things are possible with God at your side.

Ingrid xx

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