Kingdom Keys for Building Prosperity

Kingdom Keys for Building Prosperity



Do you feel trapped and maybe even powerless about your finances?

Do you feel like you're working hard but getting nowhere?

Do you wake up in the middle of the night and worry about your future?

If you want to know what to believe... and what not to believe about making money-this book is for you. Kingdom Keys for Building Prosperity untangles some of the lies many Kiwi Christians believe about money-and confirms the scriptural basis for how to be prosperous.

God wants to partner with you to give you some revelation and insight into the lies that you may be believing and the deception that you may be working under with regards to your money, with practical application in a New Zealand context.

As well as revelation, this book sets out some basic financial planning knowledge and some information that you need to understand. This will get you onto the road to being financially secure, to providing for and protecting your family and for being in a position to have overflow so that you can help others.

Janet Natta is an experienced financial advisor who spent many years listening to the Holy Spirit before writing Kingdom Keys for Building Prosperity. Read it, learn from it, and pass it on to family and friends.

“God and money. I love this subject, it’s taboo which makes it fun. Good on you Janet for tackling it in this book. Decades ago we got taught that wealth was wrong, then it seemed that God had a change of heart and the prosperity gospel was on every preacher’s lips. Then, suddenly, that was wrong too, then it was ok again, and so on. Meanwhile the reality is that most of us need daily to deal with where money fits in our ‘God and Me’ stories. Prosperity, as Janet writes, is of course a Biblical principle and not wrong at all—however expecting it to come and our debt to go just because we wish for it is unrealistic. For my own part, my wealth has grown as I have learned to hear God’s voice. Wealth starts with desire (he will advise you on what to desire), followed by organised plans (He’s great at step-by-step plans), and then the fun part (He loves fun), following through on those plans.” - Mark Holloway, author The Freedom Diaries

”I love this book so much. Numbers haven’t always been my friend especially when they have had a dollar sign to them. Janet’s book had me exclaiming loudly as I read it. “Oh, that what means!!” Or “I get it”. It is straight forward, bold and sprinkled with humour just like Janet. Everyone should read this book! I wish Janet had wriNen it many years ago.” - Tracey Olivier of Tracey Olivier Consulting

Format: Paperback | 88 b&w pages
Dimensions: 229 x 152 x 6.4mm | 145g
ISBN13: 978-0-473-63466-7
Publisher: Janet Natta
Publication Date: August 2022
Publication country: New Zealand

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