A Tribute to Parents of All Missionaries

God is not unrighteous to forget your… labour of love. Hebrews 10:6

Labour of love?

You say, “What have we done?”

─ Seeking not the limelight,

Seeking not men’s praise ─ 

Eternity alone will tell

All you have done.


Two daughters were born to you

And all unselfishly

You gave them back to Him.

To His service you dedicated them;

God took you at your word,

He led them far away

And all unselfishly you let them go.


Conscious of your deep, deep love,

Aware of constant prayer

Grateful for your great unselfishness

We revel in the freedom you have given us:

Freedom to serve the Lord to whom you dedicated us: 

Freedom to share the love we have received,

Freedom to give because you gave,

Freedom to do all He asks us to do,

Freedom to be all He asks us to be. 

When I wrote this poem back in 1990 my heart was bursting with gratitude. My sister and I revelled in the freedom our parents had given us to obey without restraint what God had led us to do… live and work as missionaries in Colombia. They had sent us out with their blessing in 1979. 

After our mother went to Home to Heaven in 1996, dad would emphasize that we should be where the Lord would have us be, on the mission field. “I take great care of my health because I never want you to feel that you have to come back to New Zealand to look after me”, were his words on more than one occasion.  He put his name down on the waiting list for the Home for the Aged of his choice and later moved in happily. “This is my last hitching post”, he said.

When I included this poem in my book, It’s All about Him, I never imagined that one day I would choose these words, record them on a smartphone and send them from Colombia as my tribute for Dad’s memorial service. He was transported to Glory four weeks ago, on November 12th. It is a fitting tribute, not only for our parents but for all parents of missionaries. They are to be esteemed for their sacrifice. God is not unrighteous to forget your… labour of love.
