Against All Odds

Good morning everybody who has been following my blogging. I must say since my last entry plenty has happened, and I’m so thankful to God that He has kept my cup with a huge overflow of his wisdom, grace, insights and more, to operate and run my life according to His plan and listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in most areas of my life. 

The update report on my next print of books and the decision to either get a whole new reprint with excellence or another quote is in God’s hands, enough said.

Saturday, God lead me to the Seventh Day Adventist Church as it had been raining and what a blessing it was to be there. The bro who took the message bought a copy of my book and said they don’t normally buy things on the Sabbath day. I thanked him and during service I was prompted to make a comment about reaching out to the unsaved, and at the end the prayer was for each one to reach out to someone.

That afternoon the rain had stopped and I went to the market, wow wow, wow. I had a gentleman stop by and chat to me that I had never met in my life, and had the opportunity to lead him to the Lord, praise God. Then shortly after that, God truly sent a couple of young Christians to follow him up in Melbourne, Australia.

Nothing else matters except being in the will of the Father and Him confirming the work He has set aside for us to walk in... Ephesians 2v10.

Tuhoe Isaac - walking in the light

Tuhoe Isaac - walking in the light

I don’t think I’ve spoken very much about my conviction to abstain from any form of sexuality and alcohol, or any form of illicit drugs... always a biggie out there in society.

I’ve been free, young and single for nine years, going onto ten, and it’s like my life has returned back to me a 100-fold, which reminds me of that scripture in Philippians 1v6: He who began a work in you is faithful and just to complete it in you… so anything incomplete in our lives, God will bring it to completion in His time, not man’s time. 

The Bible says to work out our faith with fear and trembling { Holy Reverence is what this means for me}. So over the years, God has graciously grown me up, some may call it growth and maturity in God, or just getting wiser as we age, aye bro.

One of the keys to maintaining my faith, is to meditate on the word of God’ prayer, and sometimes fasting as God leads.

In Philippians 4v8 it says: 

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

So I know to maintain my faith and keep it real, is to meditate on God’s word, then it becomes part of your thinking process, ignited by the Holy Spirit and manifesting all that God has for us.

Also, I like to touch on what Christmas means to me, it’s a time to celebrate Jesus birth and to sing carols. My go-to carol is Silent Night, Holy Night all is calm, all is bright... So things are looking brighter and much more secure for me AND MY WHANAU. We will serve the Lord always believing and always knowing in our hearts if God is for us, who can be against us, yay Romans 8V31.

I know there are many families that are struggling to make ends meet, bills are stacking up, people suffering from all kinds of sicknesses and diseases, homelessness and have nowhere to stay, struggle with violence, mental health issues, imprisonment, gang violence. I know I’ve been there and done that, but now I’ve been redeemed and set free from the world of darkness and live in the light of Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour. I want to put it out there, Jesus is the answer to all our problems in our lives, no matter what you are going through my encouragement is to give your heart and life to Jesus, and if you don’t know how to do this, just say this prayer from your heart, and you will be saved:


Prayer of Salvation

God, I repent of my sinful ways, and I ask for your forgiveness for denying you, and for hurting others and myself. I believe you sent your Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to take the rap for my sins. I believe he was resurrected from death that I may have life. I receive Jesus in my heart today, and I ask for your Holy Spirit to come and teach me your ways… I ask this in Jesus name.

If you said this prayer and mean it, I encourage you to pray for a Bible teaching church and get planted in the House of God to be nurtured, discipled and to get a support team around you. God Bless you all…

This quote just came to me while writing:

“The key of life is through Jesus Christ”


Family Life

Just after Christmas, I have planned to spend some quality time with my mokos, tamariki and whanau katoa for a week. We are looking forward to catching up, as I live in the South Island and the only communications we’ve had is by phone and video calls, which have been a real asset to sharing God’s powerful word and praying His promises and claiming His word for strength and encouragement. My oldest son is picking me up at the airport and driving us up north. The thing I like about being in God, is that we make a plan and He establishes it according to His design for our lives. More about my whanau in my next blog.

May God bless you all, and give you strength to move forward. I’m hoping and believing that whoever reads this blog will be touched by the healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

I like to finish off with a scripture from Proverbs 3:5v6: 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding and He will guide your path.

Merry Christmas, and a prosperous new year for 2020.

Yours truly,

Brother In Christ

Tuhoe Isaac

To learn more about my book, True Red, read my blogs or to connect with me, visit