Posts tagged Tuhoe Isaac
If God is for us...

Since my last blog, I’ve had to make some faith decisions to activate my stock of books to be delivered. This was a biggy for me, as a lot had been hinging on having more stock as my old stock of books was down to only a couple of months supply left. 

Anyway, it felt like a weight lifting of my shoulders, and like I said, trusting God to move on our behalf. Proverbs 3v5 v6, “Trust in the Lord with all your your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight.” 

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Against All Odds

Good morning everybody who has been following my blogging. I must say since my last entry plenty has happened, and I’m so thankful to God that He has kept my cup with a huge overflow of his wisdom, grace, insights and more, to operate and run my life according to His plan and listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in most areas of my life.

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You are what you think

Whanau, Up-bringing.
I was born in Wairoa on the 9th October 1954 and named Patrick Tuhoe Isaac. My family nicknamed me Bo, the name they know me by today. I was the eighth child of a whanau of thirteen brothers and sisters. My father Jim Hohipera Isaac (Hondi) was from Tuia on Lake Waikaremoana while my mother Ngahui Isaac (nee Hema) was from Rangiahua, a small community southwest of Wairoa. Tribally my parents were a mixture of the many hapu (sub-tribes) that make up the Ngai Tuhoe and Ngati Kahungungu tribes of those regions.

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