If God is for us...

Since my last blog, I’ve had to make some faith decisions to activate my stock of books to be delivered. This was a biggy for me, as a lot had been hinging on having more stock as my old stock of books was down to only a couple of months supply left.

Anyway, it felt like a weight lifting of my shoulders, and like I said, trusting God to move on our behalf. The lessons I’m learning from putting God first in every area of my life is that sense of His peace in my decision making. This is becoming a pattern to my life more than ever before, and I don’t want to make it sound easy, but its adding to my daily walk in Christ Jesus. 

Keeping it real… Yesterday, after having a nanna nap I rode of on my Harley to get me a feed’ and without thinking I just about rammed into a car turning off into a driveway indicators on. Wow, wow, wow… the angels of the Lord kept us upright…

Psalm 91 v11,
“For He shall give His angels charge over you” 

It is with strong conviction that I now have my next consignment of five thousand books, which arrived yesterday and is now here in Central Otago. As I was reading in my diary I noted that the last consignment arrived on 25/11/2018, thank you Father God, amen. 

Don’t give up on life, drive forward when you can’t see a way through life’s struggles, whether its debt, business, sickness or the devil is just playing havoc with your mind. In Ephesians 6:10 v18, Paul encourages us to put on the full armour of God.  

New Beginnings 8/1/2020 

Scripture verses 43:18 v19, Phil 3:13v14 

Hi everybody, this is my first blog since last year and I must say I had an awesome and wonderful time with my whanau and mokos up North. I guess just spending that quality time with each other was as I describe it, ‘priceless’, as everyone was fully engaged with the plan that God gave to us and what a way to communicate… 

My boy, Jake, and my moko, Kyhran, picked me up at the airport in Auckland then we went to McDonalds carpark Mangere to pick up my other moko, Kiana, then decided to get a kai of chicken at Subway. My moko, Kiana, offered to pay for half of the meal and I said to her politely that it was koros shout. Reflecting on our whanau arrangements and other parents and caregivers involved, I decided to get a group photo to celebrate this milestone and moment with all involved.  

Wow, wow, wow… since my last blog, a lot of under-the-iceberg stuff has surfaced with my whanau and reports of drug abuse, alcohol and the list goes on and on, behind in rent, running out of water in the tank and spiders that have manifested themselves on the outer and inner walls of our new three bedroom ensuite home. The floor in the lounge area is already creaking and some of the walls are out of alignment, and now because it’s so hot, the dust has kicked up around the home. All in all, welcome to the real world of a dysfunctional whanau. But “greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world”, 1 John 4:4… to lead my whanau and let them know that God loves us just as we are. I thank God every day that I can entrust my whanau to Him and allow the power of the Holy Ghost to bring about strength and courage to face, trace, and deliver my whanau from all harm and hurtful habits that they don’t realise yet, amen. In God all things are possible, and the plan He has for us is not to harm us, but to give us a hope and future in Him (Jeremiah 29:11). 

I keep reassuring our whanau that we are all on a journey of healing from whatever we are going through, and only having that personal relationship with Jesus can make us whole.

One of the ways I have encouraged my whanau is that I have now committed myself to travel up North Kaitaia and Ahipara every school holidays. We all need to be encouraged and affirmed, and most of all, loved. I felt in my heart God wanted me to support my whanau in this special way and we can all look forward to these times together. 

The latest project that God laid on my heart was to be part of the Christian Camp being held up in Coopers Beach with a full program for the whole whanau, and we are all looking forward to this occasion.On this note, I will sign of for now with an encouraging promise from Gods word,

Proverbs 3:5v6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge God in all you do and He will guide your path.”

Father God, I decree and declare this promise over my family, grandchildren, and those that are reading my blog, amen. 

Kia ora everybody, yesterday I was in contact with one of the organisers of the Easter Christian camp, and am now finalising the registration for my whanau and mokos. My air ticket is now locked in and whanau are now fully informed. My devotional reading this morning was from Psalms 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord”,

Romans 8:31
“If God is for us, who can be against us”

So on that note, God bless you all and have a great day. 


To learn more about my book, True Red, read my blogs or to connect with me, visit truered.co.nz