Life is a journey, not a destination

My life is a journey not a destination. I pursue excellence each day while I make ‘love’ my goal. 

Most of us have heard before that life is a journey and not a destination, but how many of us truly live it out? There were certainly times in my life when I forgot that life was a journey, and when you forget about the journey the wheels of the bus of life that you are travelling on come to a grinding halt. 

Growing up, I lived and breathed sports every single day of my life. I didn’t even realise there were so many other things out there to enjoy—whole other fields and hobbies that were equally as interesting. When I finally gave up athletics and invested my time outside of my normal routine, I started to really understand who I was and where I wanted to go in life. 

Another one of those times was when I was a young mother and my third child was born and I had a newborn, a 3-year-old and a 5½-year-old. I did not have family around me to help me and many of my friends at that time had one or two kids so were busy themselves. Having my third child made it hard for me to get out and do many of the things I did before. My life needed some adjustments, and instead of staying on the journey of life, I remember thinking that my life was so tough and how I could not wait for them to grow up so that I could manage things better. 

For a short amount of time I found it hard to enjoy life and the journey. The destination of my children reaching adulthood was my focus and I missed the scenery! Thankfully I had some amazing friends who came alongside and encouraged me. 

Business can be like that too. We have these five-year plans and we can focus on the destination but forget to enjoy the journey along the way. I try now to remember that God is on the journey with me, and while I have big dreams and visions, I want to walk each day with Him and ask for His daily blessings and wisdom. 

As you can gather, pursuing excellence is something that I like to adhere to. In life there are many people just plodding on the treadmill of life. How about anything you put your hand to do today, do it well, in fact outstandingly well, and while you are at it, make love your goal. 

2019 of my book, Outrageous Living, an inspirational daily guide

2019 of my book, Outrageous Living, an inspirational daily guide



My life is a journey, not a destination. I pursue excellence each day while I make love my goal. 


Think of your life’s journey so far, both the good and the bad. 

Focus now on the good, and what are the things in your life that you are enjoying. I know we can all enjoy life a bit more, and so what is getting you stuck on life journey? Contemplate how you can free yourself up just that little bit more. 


Go through in your mind all the jobs and little tasks you will be doing today. Make it a goal to do them exceedingly well, and for that extra spark and energy—add love

This extra effort will go a long way in you getting that extra bit of satisfaction and while you may not see results straight away if you carry this effort and attitude, you will see results over time. 

Outrageous Challenge

Plan to go out for a trip. Depending on your circumstances it may be for a few hours, a day or a few days. Instead of planning your destination, see if you can set off with the sole intention of enjoying the journey. 

This is a bit scary, I know, especially if you are a planner and need to know what you are doing every minute of the day. 

Take this challenge and see where it leads you, and make note of all the enjoyment in the small things you have had on the journey. 


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