Posts tagged Bernadette Soares
You were born for great things

You are born for great things. You can do exceedingly more than you can hope for, or imagine.

It costs to live your life to the fullest. There is a commitment required, and a daily persistence in work and faith. Don’t think it comes easy for anyone. Anyone who achieves, puts in the hard yards. To achieve great things in your life you will need to first start believing that you are born for great things. Believe in it wholeheartedly as there is so much potential in you, and you will be able to do exceedingly more than you can hope for, or imagine.

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Life is a journey, not a destination

My life is a journey, not a destination. I pursue excellence each day, while I make ‘love’ my goal. 

Most of us have heard before that life is a journey and not a destination, but how many of us truly live it out? There were certainly times in my life when I forgot that life was a journey, and when you forget about the journey the wheels of the bus of life that you are travelling on come to a grinding halt. 

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God's child

Knowing that I am God’s child, and what my overall purpose is, gives me a starting point to the direction in which my life is going. I often spend some time just imagining being God’s child, and the many privileges it offers me. I must admit that I have had a rather privileged life compared to many people, so it’s easy to imagine that. However, if you have not, then think of a situation or people that you have privileged relations with, or imagine being a princess. 

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God's beloved

Life’s circumstances and the people around us have often fed us with negative and very discouraging thoughts, but with God’s help you can change this and become a reflection of His glory and likeness. If you have been feeding your mind with negative thoughts, it may take time to turn your thinking around, but keep at it.

Maybe you’ve never had the experience of being anyone else’s beloved and this is hard for you to even think of, let alone believe.

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