God's child

Knowing that I am God’s child and what my overall purpose is, gives me a starting point to the direction in which my life is going. I often spend some time just imagining being God’s child and the many privileges it offers me.

I must admit that I have had a rather privileged life compared to many people, so it’s easy to imagine that. However, if you have not, then think of a situation or people that you have privileged relations with, or imagine being a princess. 

In India, where I grew up, my father was a Public Prosecutor so we had certain privileges and protection from his status. I remember that I used to keep his business card with me and it came in handy a few times when I could show it to people to earn the privileges of being the daughter of a Public Prosecutor. 

When I came to New Zealand at the age of 21, all this changed, and I could not pull out my father’s business card. Then I realised for the first time I had to depend on my heavenly father, who, although He was far more influential, I had never had to rely and depend on Him before. 

I am a child of God, born to manifest the glory of God in His image and likeness in all I think, in all I say and in all I do.

In my first year of launching my beauty business when I had just one product, I was given an opportunity to present my product to a pharmaceutical company who had a turnover of over $100 million a year. Although I was nervous, I was not overly bothered by it. I had to buy business wear. After twelve years of being a stay-at-home mother, going in my active wear was not an option, so I bought myself a couple of business suits and heels. 

At this stage, I had an amazing product, but no packaging or branding—and no marketing materials. But since I had this opportunity, I did not want to put if off until I was ready. I had my answer; I was going to tell them that they had to imagine what the packaging would look like as I could see it in my head. Yes, I laugh even as I write this! It was cheeky and brave, but I was not going to let go of this opportunity for anything. 


I had eight executives sitting around this boardroom table while I presented my products, and I got the feeling from the MD that he was mildly irritated. He had this quizzical look on his face that seemed to ask the question, “Just who is this woman?”

I remember clearly having this non-verbal conversation with him (which I still often do), and replying in thought I said, “I am the daughter of the King of kings”. 

That was enough to sustain me through that two hour-long meeting. Needless to say, I survived it and went ahead after nine months of working with them to launch my first product in the bodEze brand into some 250+ pharmacies across New Zealand. 


I am a child of God, born to manifest the glory of God in His image and likeness in all I think, in all I say, and in all I do. 


What does it mean to be a child of God? Imagine what it would be like if you went around in your daily life, your work, personal relationships and with friends, just knowing and understanding this monumental insight that you are God’s child, yes God’s child! 

What power would that give you in your life being a child of God? What sort of influence could you wield? If other people knew you thought of yourself as a child of God, how would that affect how you spoke and commanded yourself? What are some areas you need to work on to demonstrate that you are a child of God?


Be conscious today of what you are thinking and doing. Your actions follow your thoughts. Each time you have a thought that is not in line with being a child of God, capture that thought and dismiss it straight away. It may be something like you are not good enough, or if only you were thinner, taller or richer—these are not the thoughts of a child of God. 

Get rid of as many negative thoughts that you can today; thoughts that don’t achieve anything for you but only get you down. After you get rid of the thought, think of one thing you can do to achieve a more positive result. For instance, if you feel you are not good enough, ask God to show you where that thought came from. For most of us it has come from a comment or attitude from someone that mattered in our life. 

Ask God to heal you and then you need to forgive that person and bless them. Each time this happens in future, repeat this process until this becomes a habit, and finally you will be surprised that this thought won’t re-occur—and if it does, it won’t have any power over you. 

Outrageous Challenge

Physically stand up taller and straighter when you go out today. If you had not planned to go out, then plan to make a trip out, even if it is for a walk or a trip to the mall. Put on a smile and an attitude of being a child of God, even if you don’t feel it. 

See, if by the end of the day, you can get some people who you connect with to comment that you look different. They may ask you what has happened as they notice a difference in you. Be conscious of being a child of God all day today. 


Visit my website for more about my books and blogs, or to connect with me, visit bernadettesoares.co.nz