Prepare the way for the Lord

It's almost the end of the year and on reflection it has been a huge season of preparation.   

I retired from leading YWAM Zion last Christmas, thinking it would be a fairly quiet existence from now on. Not so. The Lord has opened doors I could never have imagined. The revival that He spoke to me about so many years ago has begun. He said, "I am sending my Spirit to New Zealand — first to the Maori and then to the Pakeha. Unity. Unity. Unity."   

Well, last Christmas I said to my pastor, Tawhiri Littlejohn, how I thought hundreds of Maori had come to the Lord last year. He replied. "Beryl… thousands!" And so it has started. 

The last great revival from the "uttermost ends of the earth." Maori churches are exploding across Northland. Maori pastors speaking at our gatherings. Our own church, Kaiwaka Revival Church, is seeing a steady flow of salvations. Drug dealers, gang members, broken and lonely people finding freedom and forgiveness through Jesus. 

It reminds me so much of the Charismatic movement that went through the churches in the 70s and 80s. My church then, Panmure Baptist, exploded with that great move of the Holy Spirit that touched so many churches through that time. I believe that move was a preparation for what is happening now. There are leaders in place who will know what to do now. In the 70's, when I got saved, most pastors and ministers had no knowledge of how to move in the gifts of the Spirit. Now many do. 

But this season of preparation involves the healing and "spring cleaning" of many leaders. I am seeing a constant flow of men and women in key leadership positions who have never been healed of past hurts and sins. 

God is cleaning His church and preparing His people for what is about to happen. This year, I have ministered to men and women in their 60's and 70's who have finally been set free from bondages that have hindered their ministry for years. 

God is so good. People are being set free, delivered and healed of past hurts. The Lord is preparing his Church! 

Also, I see more churches coming together to pray for the nation. "Where the brethren dwell together in unity — there the Lord commands the blessing."    

2020 is going to be a pivotal year. Election year, yes, but also the Lord moving in increasing power through the land. 

Come, Lord Jesus! 
