Posts tagged Beryl Henwood
Kingdom Come 2020

Well, summer has been very busy. So busy in fact with visitors and prayer ministry that I haven't had much time for working on my second book. I'm about two thirds of the way through and now have even more stories to include. One of which is a recent trip to Cape Reinga with a team of young people from YWAM Kona. They are praying through New Zealand from the Cape to the Bluff. They are part of a movement called Kingdom Come 2020 and are praying for revival.

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Prepare the way for the Lord

It's almost the end of the year and on reflection it has been a huge season of preparation.   

I retired from leading YWAM Zion last Christmas, thinking it would be a fairly quiet existence from now on. Not so. The Lord has opened doors I could never have imagined. The revival that He spoke to me about so many years ago has begun. He said, "I am sending my Spirit to New Zealand — first to the Maori and then to the Pakeha. Unity. Unity. Unity."  

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Beauty for Ashes

I started writing at a very young age. I loved books. I read constantly. So the first 'book' was a diary that I wrote out of anger and pain after my parents divorce when I was 8 years old.

I wrote short stories at high school and during the early years of my first marriage but the first serious book was written as a sort of therapy after my husband died in a plane crash. I wrote steadily in a haze of pain and grief and then threw it in a cupboard. Many years later I felt led to complete the story, so finished writing and had it published.

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