Beauty for Ashes

I started writing at a very young age. I loved books. I read constantly.

So the first 'book' was a diary that I wrote out of anger and pain after my parents divorce when I was 8 years old.

I wrote short stories at high school and during the early years of my first marriage but the first serious book was written as a sort of therapy after my husband died in a plane crash. I wrote steadily in a haze of pain and grief and then threw it in a cupboard. Many years later I felt led to complete the story, so finished writing and had it published.

The book, Battle Cry (first published as The Oil of Joy for Mourning), tells of my salvation, the death of my husband and how the Lord led me into the ministry of deliverance and intercession, first in my church, and later as a Director and lecturer in Youth With a Mission.

During those later years, my second husband and I directed Youth With a Mission Schools in New Zealand for 15 years, together, and then after his death from cancer I led on my own for 8 more years. I have taught Spiritual Warfare on YWAM bases in Sydney, Tonga, Fiji and New Zealand.

I am working on a second book now as the Lord said recently, “Write, write, write the stories for the next generation.” So I am.

Here's the first chapter of Battle Cry:

Psalm 23.4, Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow death, I will fear no evil for you are with me, your rod and staff they comfort me.

“Beryl, I have some rather alarming news,” Graham said in a strained voice.


“Ken has had to ditch over Whanganui. Both engines failed.”


“Ten miles out at sea.”

“What aircraft?”

“The Aero Commander.”

“Oh no!”

“Yes. I’m sorry Beryl.”

“What’s the wind?”

“30 to 40 knots, the sea’s very rough and it’s raining.”


“Are you alright? Would you like Sally to come over?”

“No. I’ll ring our Pastor – thanks Graham.”

“They’ve got an Air Force Orion searching, and a helicopter. Don (another of our pilots) was behind him, and is searching in the Aztec too.”

“But it’s so dark…”


“Well, that’s that, isn’t it!”

“Oh no. Don’t give up hope. If anyone could put that plane down safely, it’s Ken – he’s got so much water experience.”

“With a full load, in the dark, rough seas and strong winds – no Graham!”

“Don’t give up hope – are you okay?”

His anxious voice seemed unreal as I tried to think about what to do next.

Somehow I hung up, walked into the lounge and sat down carefully. I was cold, and felt sick and dizzy. Sally, our babysitter, was watching with wide enquiring eyes.

“Sally, Ken’s missing – they’re searching for him.”

“What can I do?” She stood, still staring.

“Nothing. I’ll phone our Pastor. You go on home. I’ll be okay.”

I finally convinced her, and she ran home and told her mother who came running over and threw her arms around me. A few tears came, but mostly I felt numb. Geoff was on his way. I rang my sister to ask them to pray. Her husband answered sleepily.

“Ken’s missing. I think he’s dead.”

There was an instants silence – then.

“Praise the Lord! He said and began to pray.

I didn’t comprehend what he was saying at first. Then I remembered. “For all things work together for good for those who love God.” And, “Praise Him in all circumstances.”
Fragments of scripture leapt into my mind, and I clung to them as a drowning man clings to a rope.

“Thank you Lord,” I whispered.

At that instant I felt tremendous peace, and somehow knew that whatever happened, Ken was safe, and this was another step in God’s plan for our lives. I must thank Him, even in my sorrow.

I fell to my knees and began to thank Him out loud.

“Lord, You have done so much for this family in the last three years – I trust You now with our future. You will take care of us. You love us. You died for us, and I know that you will help us get through all this. I know he’s with you. He gave his heart to you. Take care of him, Lord, wherever he is.

And so began the long and difficult journey the Lord has led me on over the years. He has been so faithful in all things. I have six children, 19 grandchildren, and now six great grandchildren. Several of them have completed YWAM schools. One grandson and his wife are our property managers at YWAM Zion in the North of New Zealand. He is the first born son of my first born son! That has to be a blessing from God. His sister and her husband are now directing the Base since I retired. God is so good. My eldest daughter worked in Hong Kong with Jackie Pullingers ministry to Heroin addicts. The others are involved in their churches and busy raising Godly children. The Lord promised me many years ago that, “All your children and your children’s children will follow the Lord.”

This last season is very busy with ministry to churches, various Christian groups and still teaching on bases through New Zealand. Revival has begun among the Maori people and thousands have come to Christ in the last year or two. The Lord prophesied to me many years ago that revival is coming to New Zealand. “First to the Maori, then to the Pakeha.” And it is so my heart to help prepare God’s people for this great revival which will touch the whole world.
