Kingdom Come 2020

Well, summer has been very busy. So busy in fact with visitors and prayer ministry that I haven't had much time for working on my second book. I'm about two thirds of the way through though and now have even more stories to include.

One of which is a recent trip to Cape Reinga with a team of young people from YWAM Kona. They are praying through New Zealand from the Cape to the Bluff. They are part of a movement called Kingdom Come 2020 and are praying for revival.

They arrived in a 12 seater rental van - 9 of them. We had lunch here while I explained the plan for Northland. Then I took them down to the beach Mangawhai Heads to pray and worship. 

We took my shofar and a huge conch a Fijian Pastor gave me years ago. Also my ukulele as no one had a guitar. It was great. We claimed the blood of Jesus over the estuary where the Ngapuhi tribe took their waka up and fought the Ngati Whatua. We prayed for no more bloodshed or drownings there. Then we moved over to the beach side and prayed and worshiped there as well.

Later that afternoon I took them over to YWAM Zion base at Paparoa where they stayed the night. Then the next day we set off for Waitangi where we prayed for peace during the coming celebrations on Waitangi day. Then drove to Kaitaia and stayed the night there at a friends house. The next morning early we drove to Cape Reinga. The tour buses hadn't arrived when we got there so it was a quiet and beautiful morning. The two Oceans met in a clash of blue, the sky was clear blue and there was a great peace as we prayed and worshiped for revival through NZ. We walked back up to the main track and Chinese tourists began arriving and videoed us singing. 

Eventually we trudged all the way back up to the carpark, with two students either side of me helping me puff my way up. We prayed again in the carpark. I had to leave then as I had people waiting for ministry over the next few days. They continued on down the coast to Kohukohu where Pastor Richard Nahi and his wife Phylis took them on a boat trip up the river with a local kaumatua explaining the history and where to pray. They shared in the church service the next day and had a meal that included fish heads and mussels for dinner which they ate and enjoyed apparently. They have moved on down the nation now praying for revival as they go. 

I was exhausted for a couple of days. I'm just a nana. I love being with the young missionaries but I think I need to get back to the laptop and finish the book…

For the last few years of my time as Director of YWAM ZION I kept having a full open eyed vision of Jesus standing in front of me. It was always during a time of deep prayer. He always stood in front of me holding a rolled up scroll out to me. I thought it must mean read the Word more. So I did.

Then he appeared to me again, this time thrusting the open scroll at me. I was confused. “I am reading Your word,” I said. Then when I retired a year ago and moved into my new house at Mangawhai, I asked my Pastor Tawhiri Littlejohn, to come and bless the place for me. He started to pray and then said, "Beryl there's a huge angel at your door."

I said, “I know that I've seen him too and asked the Lord for the angel to protect me.” Then Tawhiri exclaimed loudly. "Beryl the Lord is standing in front of you offering you an open scroll. He's saying, “WRITE! WRITE! WRITE THE STORIES FOR THE NEXT GENERATION! So I am.


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