Broken Cisterns: Our second study session

When we meet together for our second Broken Cisterns study session, Len boasts that he has read the whole study book. His smiling face is a contrast to the bitter and twisted expression he wore the previous week. It appears he has found the treasure he has been searching for. 

Together, we turn the pages of our Bibles and compare the world of Genesis chapter three with that of Genesis one and two. We feel the pain and anguish that our first parents experienced when they acted independently from God and when sin caused division. Man, created to be connected to God, finds himself disconnected but thinks that he has control and the freedom to make his own decisions according to his criteria of good and bad. All that happened to Adam and Eve that day was totally new to them. Even worse, was the fact that they lost their refuge. They no longer felt the presence of someone strong and totally dependable. They felt totally empty.  

From the expressions on their faces and the comments they make, our group of unhappy hippies obviously relate to Adam and Eve’s predicament. Together we analyze the situation. Who does Eve look to as her refuge, and who does Adam look to for his refuge? Each one finds the other is empty. On discovering this, their frustration drives them to despair. Neither is capable of filling the other’s void. Man and woman’s emotional and intellectual complement has lost its value. The body and the soul now take precedence over the spirit. 

We see that all human beings have a void because the union between the Spirit of God and the spirit of man was broken. Personal relationships at every level are a desperate search to find someone or something to fill the void. The truth hits home. More than one of our group look uncomfortable. 

At this point in the workshop, we have the opportunity to delve deeper into God’s solution to the problem of the total contamination of the world. Some suggest that God had a Plan B. I enjoy the look of amazement on their faces when we refer them to Revelation chapter thirteen verse eight. Our Spanish Bible translation is similar to the King James version where the last phrase triumphantly states: “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” 

Eugene, the ex-guerilla girl, who is now a leftist political leader in the village, is impacted by this jewel of truth. 

“So, when Adam and Eve acted independently from God and cut themselves off, God already had the solution. Hey, I get it! In the spiritual realm, the Lamb had already been slain!”  

Everyone begins talking at once. Truths shrouded in mist, suddenly become clear as the light shines into their hearts. The sacrifice of the lambs to clothe Adam and Eve makes sense. 

Anita concludes: “The sacrifice of the lambs was a prophetic act. It celebrated what had already occurred in the spiritual realm when the Lamb had been slain from the foundation of the world and it points forward to what would happen in the natural realm when Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice for the world. He is the Lamb of God.”


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