In the green valley

(an old Dutch hymn - translated by me)

In the green valley, in the quiet valley,
Where tiny flowers grow,
There rushes a pure waterfall
And droplets spray everywhere
To sprinkle each tiny flower, also the smallest,
To sprinkle each tiny flower, also the smallest. 

And high up on the mountain peak,
Where tall robust trees grow
There sweeps the storm, fierce and biting,
There strikes the sharp lightning flash,
And splits with its booming thunder, the biggest,
And splits with its booming thunder, the biggest!

Up high, below, on mountain and in valley,
Am I in the hand of the LORD’s! 
But still I will choose, when I shall choose,
My quiet place, my waterfall,
And still I will remain, to my desire, the smallest!
And still I will remain, to my desire, the smallest!  

When I was about six years old, I heard this Dutch hymn sung at a new primary school. I was still very broken by the many things that had happened to me in the past and felt like one of those little flowers in that valley. I felt crushed, overawed and hopelessly tiny, but I didn’t know what to do about it all. There were a lot of nasty people in the world and even some of the children at school were unkind. 

But this hymn spoke to me, helped me see there was Someone who cared about me. And there were some advantages to being small, looking at the lightening flash hitting the tall trees!

Today, I see much more. How that Someone, the LORD, took care of me all through the hardships I faced then and many more later, and brought me through life to know Him and love Him, like a father, the father I never knew. But also like a Friend, the best friend I’ve ever had, who is always beside me and never leaves me, to encourage and strengthen me through life’s pitfalls, which we all go through some time or other.   

May you too come to know this Someone, my LORD. He wants to be your friend too.  


With love,

Ingrid oxo

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