God's beloved

Life’s circumstances and the people around us have often fed us with negative and very discouraging thoughts, but with God’s help you can change this and become a reflection of His glory and likeness.

If you have been feeding your mind with negative thoughts, it may take time to turn your thinking around, but keep at it.

Maybe you’ve never had the experience of being anyone else’s beloved and this is hard for you to even think of, let alone believe.

If this is the case for you then I ask you to imagine being God’s Beloved. He loves you with an everlasting love. He has made you and He has made everything in the world for you. You are His Beloved and you are very special to Him. When you begin to understand this and it begins to sink into your soul, you will realise why it is important for you to know this.

Following on from this you will want to please God by pursuing excellence in everything that you do so that you can give Him back the glory and honour that He has bestowed on you.

Also, you will want to pursue excellence in all things, from being a good citizen, a good daughter or son, a good wife or husband, a good mother or father a good business owner, a good employee, everything.

Don’t try and do this in your own strength but ask God for His strength, make him your only source of strength.

The Bible talks of streams of living water flowing from us. These streams of living water signify energy and abundance that are never-ending. God is more than capable to sustain you and keep you going but remember to draw on Him as your source and not rely on your strength.

When I set up my beauty business, Brand Value Ltd, my tagline was ‘Pursuing Excellence for the Market’. It was important for me to create amazing products and to have the very best. I soon ran out of ideas and formulations though that I could put out into the market, so I was left with no alternative but to trust in God. And do you know that year after year He would provide me sovereignly with divine ideas and formulations so that I could add the very best products to my brands. That is a miracle when God takes what we got, and He multiplies it back for us abundantly.

I am God’s Beloved, I pursue excellence in everything I put my hand to, and I succeed in all things through Christ who strengthens me.

How am I God’s Beloved? Feel God’s arms enveloping you as you feel His love and grace on you. See Him gazing on you lovingly and tenderly and looking at you in all your specialness and charm.

Know God thinks of you as very special and wonderfully made. Being God’s Beloved… how does that make you feel? Let the feelings flow through you. Imagine being in love with God—and God in love with you. Is it radiating in your soul, is it showing on your face? Are you radiating joy? What are some of the things you are going to do today that you can pursue excellence in?

Think of what it feels like to be in love. Imagine being in love with God—and He in you. This should encourage you do everything with excellence for Him. Everything you put your hand to do today, do it as if you were doing it for Him, whether it is cooking, looking after the kids, working at your job, even taking the dog out for a walk. Do it like your beloved God is watching you, and so you are excelling in everything you do.

Outrageous Challenge
Go on a date with God today. If God were to date you, where would you like to go with Him? I like to go for a drive, particularly somewhere where there are trees and the warmth of sunshine.

Imagine Him to be your best friend who wants the best for you— far more than you can ask or imagine. I love sunshine, so sitting on the beach in the sun or under some trees, hearing and seeing the leaves rustle is very comforting to my soul. Find your resting place, a place where you can find your peace and rest in God.

Bernadette xox

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