“Beryl Henwood’s true story is real, raw and radical. She has been through the refining fire of grief, betrayal, hard challenges and long years in ministry, and come out shining like gold. This YWAM NZ elder is a true inspiration.”
Beryl Henwood

Beryl is an intercessor and moves in gift of deliverance, healing and prophecy. She is the mother of six children; three girls, three boys and has 19 grandchildren. She was dramatically saved at 30 and began ministering as a youth leader in her church after her first husband, Ken, died in a plane crash. Then she ministered to witches wanting to leave covens and began speaking at women’s retreats.
Beryl married, Bill, and had her last two children with him. She was busy with pro-life work, leading a post-abortion group, "Opened Arms", then they directed Youth with a Mission schools for over 24 years. Beryl has taught Spiritual Warfare in Australia, Fiji, Rotuma, Tonga and New Zealand.
Recently "retired" from directing YWAM Zion (Maungaturoto), Beryl still teaches on YWAM schools and ministers in local churches. She is experiencing the beginning of a great revival in the north among Maori, a confirmation of a vision she had over 20 years ago. The Lord said, "I am sending my Spirit to New Zealand, first to the Maori, and then to the Pakeha."
Beryl’s memoir is entitled, Battle Cry (formerly published, The Oil of Joy for Mourning).

Battle Cry
Discover how you can trust in an amazing God in the incredible memoir of the Ministry Leader of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Zion, Beryl Henwood. Battle Cry is the remarkable true story of one of New Zealand’s most courageous women.
Beryl has lived through more trials than most, including a difficult childhood, racism (she is half-Rotuman), a teenage abortion and the adoption of her firstborn-and has been widowed twice. But through all these trials she has come forth shining as gold. Beryl has been investing in the lives of our young people for over 40 years and serving at YWAM for over 20 years ministering to young people and equipping them to love and serve others. She has a wealth of wisdom and experience to share in this memoir of which does not fail to encourage and inspire.
“Hard to put down—this miraculous account of the restoration of a heart broken by rejection, the pain of giving up a child to adoption, the turmoil of a troubled marriage, the guilt of abortion and the shattering of Beryl’s world when her husband Ken is tragically killed. A passionate missionary, intercessor, evangelist, teacher, YWAM Zion Ministry Leader, and pro-life advocate, Beryl’s refreshing transparency, courage and determined faith will inspire you to face the deep challenges this life brings.” -Wayne Peat
Beryl’s website and blog: berylhenwood.co.nz
Format: Paperback | 152 b&w pages
Dimensions: 148 x 210 x 10mm | 145g
ISBN13: 978-0-473-41209-8
Publisher: Beryl Henwood in association with Wild Side Publishing
Publication Date: May 2017
Publication country: New Zealand
Greater Things
The warrior woman’s true life stories of healing from abortion, addictions, sexual abuse and trauma.
“…whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” — John 14:12
“Beryl has a great reputation of bringing healing and deliverance to many people and her name precedes her everywhere she goes. She has lived a life transformed by Jesus and transforms those around her.” — Pastor Tawhiri Littlejohn, Kaiwaka Revival Centre
“Beryl’s life’s testimony, along with her years of ministry experience, truly qualify her to be able to share and teach on the supernatural world, and on the supernatural power of God. Her understanding of the supernatural takes people to the next level, no matter where they are at on their journey.” — Pastor Trent Membry, C3 Church, Whangarei
”Beryl’s stories do not fail to build faith to know that as we go, signs and wonders will follow, and equip believers to set the captives free. Many keys are contained within these power-packed pages. A must-read for any serious believer.” — Janet Curle
Beryl’s website and blog: berylhenwood.co.nz
Format: Paperback | 220 b&w pages
Dimensions: 148 x 210 x 13mm | 320g
ISBN13: 978-0-473-55478-1
Publisher: Beryl Henwood in association with Wild Side Publishing
Publication Date: December 2020
Publication country: New Zealand

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
Untold Thousands - Hannah & Joehelen, YWAM ZION
Blog Posts

Kingdom Come 2020
Well, summer has been very busy. So busy in fact with visitors and prayer ministry that I haven't had much time for working on my second book. I'm about two thirds of the way through and now have even more stories to include. One of which is a recent trip to Cape Reinga with a team of young people from YWAM Kona. They are praying through New Zealand from the Cape to the Bluff. They are part of a movement called Kingdom Come 2020 and are praying for revival.

Prepare the way for the Lord
It's almost the end of the year and on reflection it has been a huge season of preparation.
I retired from leading YWAM Zion last Christmas, thinking it would be a fairly quiet existence from now on. Not so. The Lord has opened doors I could never have imagined. The revival that He spoke to me about so many years ago has begun. He said, "I am sending my Spirit to New Zealand — first to the Maori and then to the Pakeha. Unity. Unity. Unity."

Beauty for Ashes
I started writing at a very young age. I loved books. I read constantly. So the first 'book' was a diary that I wrote out of anger and pain after my parents divorce when I was 8 years old.
I wrote short stories at high school and during the early years of my first marriage but the first serious book was written as a sort of therapy after my husband died in a plane crash. I wrote steadily in a haze of pain and grief and then threw it in a cupboard. Many years later I felt led to complete the story, so finished writing and had it published.
Book Reviews
“Beryl’s transparency, courage and faith will inspire you to face the deep challenges life brings. It will encourage you to trust in Christ’s promise that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”
Wayne Peat, Senior Pastor, C3 Church Howick
“Beryl’s testimony is an encouraging account of a woman’s triumph in the midst of personal tragedy and grief. In Beryl’s life and in the lives of the girls I have seen God preparing branches for the fruitful days that lay ahead.”